Silver necklace - 18 inches
7.6 grams total weight / pendant
natural look / reverse Star cut
Moldavite is a member of the Tektite group, a glassy mixture of silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide and other metal oxides, with a hardness of 5.5 to 6. Its crystal system is amorphous. The color of most specimens is a deep forest green, though some pieces are pale green and others, especially those from Moravia, are greenish brown.
A few rare gem-grade stones are only a little darker than emerald green. Moldavite’s formation coincides with the crash of a large meteorite in what is now the Bohemian plateau of the Czech Republic, approximately 14.8 million years ago.
In modern times, Moldavite has emerged as one of the stones most prized for metaphysical purposes. Its effects vary widely, from mild to almost overwhelming, from physical cleansings to spiritual breakthroughs—yet the common denominator seems to be the revitalization and acceleration of one’s path of personal evolution. People who hold Moldavite for the first time most often experience its energy as warmth or heat, usually felt first in one’s hand and then progressively throughout the body.
Simmons, Robert; Ahsian, Naisha. The Book of Stones, Revised Edition (p. 319).