Hematite is the most effective of all stones for grounding oneself in the body and the physical world. It can counteract spaciness and confusion, helping one to see practical concerns and move forward with useful action. Hematite can be used to balance the auric field and align the chakras. It pulls stray energies down through the meridian system to the root chakra. Manifestation is one of the most commons problems for spiritually oriented people. Many do not realize that it is not enough to travel to the higher realms and experience expanded awareness. One goal, perhaps the primary one, of human evolution, is to bring the energies of the etheric realms into manifestation here in the physical plane.
Hematite, as the pre-eminent grounding stone, is an ideal tool in this work. On the everyday level, carrying or wearing a Hematite can assist one in bringing one’s dreams and aspirations into reality and in learning the difference between a true vision and a fantasy. Hematite harmonizes with other grounding stones such as Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian and Jet, as well as Tibetan Black Quartz, Herkimer Quartz ‘Diamonds,’ Moldavite and Libyan Gold Tektite. For root-chakra activation, combining Hematite with Cuprite, Ruby or Zincite will work well. Phenacite is a good aid in the visioning of what one wishes to manifest from the higher realms into the physical world.
Simmons, Robert. The Book of Stones, Revised Edition (p. 235).