Height - 2.5 inches
Weight - 65.4 grams
Origin only from - Bolivia
Rare crystal / natural stone
Ametrine is a harmonious blend of Amethyst and Citrine energies. Amethyst is stimulating to the crown chakra, protective to one’s auric field, purifying to one’s personal energies and uplifting to the spirit. It can aid greatly in letting go of bad habits and addictions. Citrine is a stone for enhancing mental clarity, creativity and will. Ametrine combines all of these traits, and it brings one’s spirituality into harmony with the mind, often catalyzing a profound flow of creativity, new ideas and insights. It is beneficial to keep Ametrine at one’s desk or beside one’s computer, or wherever else one sits to do the mental side of work.
The Ametrine will help the mind stay clear, creative, energetic and on task. Those trying to lose weight or break other self-defeating habits are also advised to work with Ametrine,
This combination of energies makes Ametrine an excellent stone for those who are indecisive or unable to act because they fear making a ‘wrong’ decision. It can also help those who procrastinate or are unable to commit to a course of action or achievement. Ametrine can support one in overcoming one’s fear of success and in eradicating patterns of self-sabotage.
Simmons, Robert. The Book of Stones, Revised Edition (p. 26).