Height - about 3 inches with the Rose wood stand
Weight - 248 grams with the stand
stand- Natural Rose wood
Quartz crystals are powerful Earth element crystals carrying a frequency that structures and regulates energy. You can imagine this energy-regulating function like the dimmer switch on a light. The stone receives full-spectrum Light energy and adjusts it until it can be absorbed and utilized by one’s physical and energetic systems. Depending upon the level of Light with which one is capable of resonating, this ally will either dim or intensify the Light energy to match the frequency most needed by the individual. This is an extremely important function in healing work, as it enables one to resonate with the highest possible frequency without ‘burning out’ one’s energy systems. Its presence in a healing room can insure that a client will be able to integrate maximum Light energy without discomfort.
Simmons, Robert. The Book of Stones, Revised Edition (p. 182).